

Karangoma is the result of a partnership with local elder Olatotse Sarefo and is rooted in Bukakhwe San and Hambukushu culture.

The name itself is a Sembukushu word describing ‘drum beating, ancestral healing, bringing good future to the tribe, or, when one is ill, cure dancing’. It is exactly this essence of healing and harmony that the camp seeks to offers its guests in their reconnection with nature and traditional cultures.

And what better place to do that than the productive and beautiful Okavango Delta where this small, exclusive camp offers the opportunity for some truly special game viewing and connection with the natural world. Karangoma’s 6 tented suites are hidden on a shaded peninsula with gorgeous views out across the floodplains.

Location & access

Karangoma is located on the north-eastern arm of the Okavango Delta, virtually at the centre of the vast KAZA Transfrontier Park that overlaps parts of Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe. At more than 500 square kilometres in size, KAZA is larger in area than the state of California and almost the size of France. The camp’s location at a strategic and pivotal overlap between the waters of the Okavango and the vast northern woodlands means that it boasts an unusually wide array of habitats, large mammal species and guest activities in a focused area. Access to the camp is by air, first by fixed wing light aircraft from Maun to the Vumbura Airstrip (130km; 25 minute flight), and then followed by a low level helicopter flight (30km; 10-12 minute flight) directly into Karangoma camp.


Why here?

  • Excellent sightings of a wide range of large mammal species; from the zebra, tsessebe, lechwe and wildebeest of the floodplains to the elephant, sable, and roan of the woodland, plus all the larger carnivores from lion and spotted hyaena to leopard, cheetah and wild dog;
  • A wide range of activities from day and night game drives and walking, to boating and mekoros (season dependent);
  • A camp with a direct partnership with members of the local community.


The 6 spacious tents (including a family room) are hidden in a wooded peninsula, shaded by leadwoods and sausage trees, that juts out into an Okavango floodplain and overlooks a well-trodden game path to the water. A bedroom and lounge (stylishly decorated in a modern take on the textures, colours and patterns of the iconic Hambukushu basketry of the northern Okavango), as well as adjacent bathroom and indoor and outdoor showers, maximise their views onto the floodplain. The lounge and dining areas similarly command expansive views across the floodplain to the water, with nearby fire pit and plunge pool completing the public areas.

While the tents are placed on low wooden decks (for high flood years), the interlinking paths through camp are all on the ground weaving through croton and mopane and ensuring our guests feel connected to the landscape.



Karangoma’s location overlapping both the floodplains of the Okavango Delta, as well as the woodlands of the sandveld to the north means a full range of game viewing and other activities are possible. The mainstay is game drives in open 4x4 vehicles that allow us watch Africa’s charismatic large mammals such as elephant and lion from close proximity both safely and comfortably whether during the day or after dark. Equally we love being on foot, following animal tracks, or simply exploring the area and taking opportunistic cooling dips in the water of the Okavango. Those same waters (depending on the time of year) also allow us to boat or to silently traverse shallower water in mekoros (traditional ‘canoes’) in search of species like red lechwe or wetland birds like the malachite kingfisher. What’s more is that 30km away lies the village of Gudigwa, home of a small Bukakhwe San community. It is here where our guests are able to experience a different culture and to see first hand what it is like to live with wildlife in rural Africa.


Our rates are fully inclusive (accommodation, meals, drinks and activities) and quoted in US Dollars on a per person per night sharing basis. We do charge a single supplement.


Explore with us

We love talking to past and future guests and helping plan trips of a lifetime, but we don’t take direct bookings.

Instead, we work with a wide network of specialist tour operators all around the world in order that our guests can liaise with someone in their own jurisdiction, time zone, culture and language to craft the perfect African expedition for them.

Contact us - We’d be happy to help design a trip and recommend a tour operator that is right for you.